Exchange of contracts

Once your property has been reserved, we will advise you of an anticipated completion date in writing. We will also advise you of building progress on exchange of contracts at roof stage. Throughout this time it is recommended you keep in contact with our sales advisor regarding the progress of your new home.

When your home has been finished, it will be inspected by an NHBC Inspector who will issue your property with a Build Mark Cover Note which is then faxed over to your solicitor. His notice period allows your solicitor to arrange for the monies to be made available and normally, at this point (if applicable) you should request your Building Society or Bank Surveyor to survey your house to enable funds to be released.

Once all the legal work is complete, your solicitor will be ready to exchange contracts. On exchange a deposit will need to be paid (normally at least 5%) and you and the seller are committed to the transaction taking place.

To help avoid any delay or disappointment, you must ensure that your solicitors and any mortgage lenders are fully aware of your timetable and arrangements.

On the day of completion you will become the legal owner of your new home and you will be provided with all relevant paperwork. The full cost of the property will have been transferred from your mortgage lender to the seller. Here at Anwyl, we know how excited you will be to start living your new life.

So on moving day everything will be there, ready and waiting, the keys will be handed over and you can begin the exciting job of making the house your home.